Arus Lalu Lintas Dialihkan Oleh Polres Paser Dikarenakan Jembatan Rusak, Paser, – Traffic flow connecting East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan) and South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan) provinces was forced to be temporarily diverted, following the damage to a bridge in Busui Village, Batu Sopang District, Paser Regency. The damage to this bridge occurred due to a traffic accident that took place on Thursday (16/1/2025) yesterday.

As an effort to reduce the impact on community mobility, the police, led directly by the Paser Police Chief, AKBP Novy Adi Wibowo, through the Head of the Paser Police, AKP Toni Joko Purnomo, immediately diverted the traffic flow. The flow of vehicles is diverted through the company’s road, namely the coal hauling route that has been coordinated with related parties.

“This diversion is carried out to ensure smooth and safe traffic, because the damaged bridge cannot be passed by vehicles from both directions. We appeal to motorists to use this alternative route carefully, considering that the road passes through the company area,” he explained.

Furthermore, Paser Police Chief AKBP Novy Adi Wibowo also appreciated the quick steps taken by the ranks of the Paser Police in an effort to handle the situation over the bridge collapse incident.

“We are committed to continuing to provide the best service for the smooth and safe traffic,” he said.

People who cross alternative routes are asked to remain cautious, considering that the company’s route is not usually passed by public vehicles. However, it is hoped that this diversion can minimize disruptions to travel between East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan.

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